D. Keith Robinson

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Asterisk 2021: Day One

Last night I dreamed I resurrected my old blog—Asterisk. Today I began some quick work on it.

If you’ve known me for a while, you might know that back in the early days of the web, when there wasn’t much you could call social, I had a fairly popular design and tech blog called “Asterisk.” When I started out, it was very rough; mostly just short thoughts here and there, reviews of things, mostly music, and just a lot of thoughts. Straight out of my head, through the keyboard, and up on to the internet.

I don’t think anyone read it for a long while, and, when I think back on it, I’m sure that was when I was having the most fun with it. I often think longingly of those early days of my career, of my adventures online. I probably sound like an old-timer, which is appropriate, but I really miss those days. My online interactions were mostly pleasant and led to many life-long IRL friendships. Now, well, to say it’s different would be a massive understatement. It’s not all bad, sure, but it’s not really good a lot of the time either.

There isn’t much more to pull out of that thought except to say that the idea of going back to the beginning, to a place where I was just making shit and putting it our on the internet, seems like a good bit of fun. So here we are. I honestly have very little clue what I’ll end up doing, just a couple of odd ideas of things I’d love to make and share. I’ll be going very slow, a little at a time, but hopefully, it’ll remain fun. I might even leave comments on! Whee.

If you’re reading this, welcome to the day one soft launch. Yesterday there was nothing really here, and today, well, there’s this new thing.